My role goes beyond that of a chauffeur.

As a substitute for airplane mode, I am here for you.

- Jamie Quin


How We Can Help You ?

Our corporate accounts are just another example of ongoing commitment to customizing your transportation experience. You’re about to experience the unparalleled convenience and luxury that comes with our corporate accounts and account management.

Download our corporate account application form. Fill it and send it to us at info@bookacar.us along with the front and back copy of the credit card and the card holders Drivers License. Be sure to specify if you want direct Pay Per ride on the card provided. Read more

Absolutely there is NO fees for early morning pickups.

Yes we have child car seat available upon request and charge $15 per car seat.

Yes, we offer flexibility to modify reservation in a last minute through email or just a phone call.

Reservations are always welcome but suggest at least 3 hours minimum prior to pickup time.

Yes we can provide services where driver will assigned to help with luggage and belongings.

Sedan will hold up to 3 passengers with 3 baggages and SUV hold up to 6 passengers with 6 baggage .

There are to ways. First Signage -Typically, the easiest way to find your chauffeur at the airport is to look for someone in a suit holding up a sign with your name on it by baggage claim.
Secondly – Curbside | Most airports have designated curbside areas where limousines and other ground transportation wait for passengers, so once you walk out of the airport .

There is 24 hours free window for cancel reservation. Read more.

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